Smudge Certified: Indigenous Business Certification Program

At Smudge Certified, we understand that business is more than just transactions— it’s a way of life. Guided by the profound wisdom of Indigenous cultures, we have integrated the spiritual cleansing practice of smudging into our core philosophy.

Just as smudging cleanses and grounds us spiritually, our mission is to purify the way businesses operate, enabling them to fully embody corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and transparency. Our overarching aim is to provide a beacon of respect, dignity, and honor for Indigenous values and principles in the realm of business.

Our Mission

We are resolute in advancing economic reconciliation and the engagement of Indigenous owned businesses with the support and education of Canadian and International businesses.

We envision a business landscape where Indigenous companies are not only active participants but also pivotal players in the economy.

Our Vision

We envisage "ReconciliAction" — a world where active, meaningful participation of Indigenous-owned businesses in the Canadian economy isn't just an aspiration but a lived reality. We strive to facilitate this by bridging the gap between traditional Indigenous values and modern-day business practices.

Our Purpose

Our purpose revolves around three key tenets:

  1. Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility: To promote sustainable practices and a sense of corporate social responsibility among businesses, we have established an Indigenous business certification program that maintains best practices and standards of sourcing.

  2. Transparency: Our certification program is also designed to bolster transparency in businesses for the public's benefit. We establish and maintain best practices and standards of labeling, creating an atmosphere of trust and honesty.

  3. Reconciliation & Indigenous Values: We strongly uphold reconciliation, Indigenous values, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action. We strive to integrate these principles into businesses, establishing and maintaining best standards of operations through our certification program.

Join us in our journey as we continue to light the way for a harmonious synergy between economic growth and indigenous values. Your support helps us grow stronger and reach further in our mission of making Smudge Certified synonymous with integrity, sustainability, and progress.